moodle uni leipzig

This course is called Introduction to Professional Communication (Einführung in die Berufs- und Wissenschaftssprache EBW 2) and is a language project in which you can train and improve your oral skills (presenting, discussing) and written skills (abstract writing, designing Power Point slides).The course consists of two parts: Classes 1- 5 preparation of student conferences and Fernstudium. Hier haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Lehre, Forschung und Projektarbeit zu verbessern und administrativ zu vereinfachen. It supports classroom teaching, provides rich online resources, and allows student collaboration. This tool has been implemented for ensuring fluent communication between docents and students during the development of the master and doctoral programs as well as training courses. Mahara ist die E-Portfolio-Software der Uni Leipzig. Neural Networks (1) Images of Image Machines (2) ... Studienkolleg Leipzig. The content is determined by the curriculum of the programme 'Einführung in die Berufs- und Wissenschaftssprache EBW F1.. The Lecturer and tutorial instructors will be avaliable to answer questions in the following times : Prof. Rosenow, Thursday 15:15-16:45 and Friday 11:00-12:30, … Wenn Sie dort noch nicht registriert sind, wird beim ersten Login Ihr Moodle-Profil übertragen. If you find any mistakes, please contact Raphael [dl18bewa at] who is typing these lecture notes . It supports classroom teaching, provides rich online resources, and allows student collaboration. Students and researchers tell their very personal stories about their Uni Leipzig. ... Moodle-Hilfe. This platform has been available at Leipzig University since the 2006/2007 winter semester. Online-Self-Assessment "Culture & Technology...ESU in Digital Humanities. Anleitungen zu Mahara finden Sie, Fakultät für Geschichte, Kunst- und Regionalwissenschaften, Fakultät für Physik und Geowissenschaften, Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften und Philosophie. Please register in the moodle course "Fortgeschrittene Statistische Physik" at the Learnplatform of Leipzig university. Additional information for international students is provided below. Weiterbildung. Bitte beachten Sie folgende Hinweise zum Login: Rechtliche Hinweise für L...§60a Urheberrechtsgesetz). Intro to Global History - Tutorial. An dieser Stelle kommen jede … Fakultät für Geschichte, ... und Orientwissenschaften. All teaching material is available on the SEPT's section … पाठ्यक्रम; Juristenfakultät; Leonie; कोर्स वर्ग: Lernplattform der Universität Leipzig. Erziehungswissenschaft. Update. Lernplattform der Universität Leipzig. In this blog post, Katarina Ristic and Matthias Middell evaluate the online teaching that took place in the last semesters, even before the corona pandemic.____Am ReCentGlobe arbeiten mehr als 200 Mitarbeiter*innen zusammen und untersuchen, ausgehend von einem handlungs- und akteurszentrierten Ansatz, Globalisierungsprojekte der Gegenwart und Vergangenheit. Important learning material, such as seminar readers, … Online-Self-Assessment "Culture & Technology...ESU in Digital Humanities. The system also offers students a simple way to communicate and collaborate with their tutors. ILIAS ist die Prüfungsplattform der Uni Leipzig. Intensive Language Courses; … Der Zugriff erfolgt nur über eine LAN-Verbindung an einem universitären PC oder per VPN (Hinweise dafür auf dieser Seite). Erlebe die Universität Leipzig im 360°-Video: Mit der virtuellen Campus-Tour kannst du bequem zu Hause oder unterwegs durch Uni-Orte spazieren. Lecturers can use it to support their teaching. Sie erreichen uns per Mail an oder telefonisch unter 0341/ 97-33314; 33384 und 33316. The International SEPT Program is a research and training program at the University of Leipzig dedicated to providing theoretical insight as well as practical experience in the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises in developing and transition countries. Diese Moodle-Instanz dient ausschließlich der Unterstützung der Fern- und Weiterbildung an der Universität Leipzig sowie Kursen mit externen Teilnehmerkreisen. Datenschutz. It works great -- no problems! Fakultät für Lebenswissenschaften. ... Books marked with an asterisk (*) can be downloaded for free via a VPN connection with the University of Leipzig, available for every student. … Aktuell ist der E-Learning-Service ausschließlich per Mail unter erreichbar. Fernstudium. Winter Semester 2020/21 . Helmut Fischer, Helmut Kaul, Mathematik für Physiker* Otto Forster, Analysis 1* … It is very important to sign up if you want to participate. Jetzt anmelden und gemeinsam mit Expert:innen und Kolleg:innen in der WERKSTATT an der eigenen Lehre feilen! I installed Etherpad Lite on my Windows 2012R IIS8.5 server and then this great Moodle plugin on my Moodle 3.0.2 (PHP 7.0.3 64-bit, MySQL 5.7 64-bit). The hotline was primarily set up to answer … For questions regarding lectures and problem sets, there will be moodle discussion forums to answer your questions. Skip navigation. Cold War History. FGZ Winterklausur 2021. Kulturtransfer WS 20/21. Mein Moodle. My Uni Leipzig. Nutzungsbedingungen. Who We Are . A Tradition of Diversity. Please note the deadlines and requirements on the Uni-Assist website. In many cases, information about this will be sent to you by email or via AlmaWeb and Moodle. If you have an undergraduate degree from an institution outside of Germany, you need to 1. first submit an application through the Uni-Assist system. A Moodle course for the lecture, in which you will find all announcements and all material like lecture notes and exercise sheets. Info-Veranstaltungen zum Bewerbungsprozess: 28.01.2021 | 15-16 Uhr /// 24.02.2021 | 10-11 Uhr | Anmeldung per Mail an:, Rechtliche Hinweise für Lehrende (§60a Urheberrechtsgesetz), Mahara ist die E-Portfolio-Software der Uni Leipzig. Moodle-Hilfe. Global and European Studies. Wenn Sie dort noch nicht registriert sind, wird beim ersten Login Ihr Moodle-Profil übertragen. I run Etherpad as Windows service (I installed it using nssm.exe that I downloaded and placed in the c:/Windows/System32 folder). Online-Self-Assessment "Culture & Technology...ESU in Digital Humanities. Handwritten lecture notes. Die Universität Leipzig bietet Ihren MitarbeiterInnen und Studierenden mit Moodle eine universitätsweit unterstützte Lernplattform an. The focus is on improving subject-related and job-related reading, … The content is determined by the curriculum of the programme 'Einführung in die Berufs- und Wissenschaftssprache (EBW 1, EBW F1) '. Erziehungswissenschaft. Leipzig University makes the learning platform MOODLE available to lecturers and students as university-wide e-learning platforms, free of charge and with no obligation. Anglistik. We promote … You want to pick up your coursepack ("Skript") at EMF Bürotechnik on Zellescher Weg when Ms Stahlheber sends you the corresponding notification. Kurse. Solutions of homework exercises have to be uploaded into the Moodle system (see "Solutions to Homework") Sheet 1 (by 22:00, Apr 22) Sheet 2 (by 22:00, Apr 29) Sheet 3 (by 22:00, May 6) Sheet 4 (by 22:00, May 13) Sheet 5 (by 22:00, May 20) Sheet 6 … Soziologie. The International SEPT Program is a research and training program at the University of Leipzig dedicated to providing theoretical insight as well as practical experience in the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises in developing and transition countries. Erziehungswissenschaftliche Fakultät. The bonus exercise sheet is available here and on Moodle, and should preferably be handed in via Moodle. Global and European … This versatile learning platform addresses the specific linguistic and communicative needs of university students. Toxnetz. Our Facebook and Instagram accounts are an additional way to keep abreast of the latest news. Übergreifende Projekte. Moodle-Hilfe. "Culture & Technology...ESU in Digital Humanities, Institut für Medizinische...atistik und Epidemiologie, International Energy Econ...; Business Administration, Koordinierungsstelle Chancengleichheit Sachsen, Universitätsklinikum Weit...ung Gesundheitsfachberufe, Zentrum für Lehrerbildung und Schulforschung, Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung und Fernstudium. Fakultät für Chemie und Mineralogie. PROBLEM SHEETS. ... Einführung und Hilfe zu Moodle . 2. then enroll formally as a Leipzig University graduate student, following the procedures outlined on the university’s website. Instructions for Lecturers | Leipzig University LEIPZIG UNIVERSITY | Vice-Rector for Education and International Affairs INTRODUCTION 2 In the current situation, Leipzig University is facing great challenges. From lab to lecture hall, from library to choir, from medicine to biodiversity: in this video, Leipzig University presents its broad spectrum of research, teaching and knowledge transfer. Zentrum für Lehrerbildung und Schulforschung. Should questions arise regarding signing up / handing in the exercise sheet, please contact Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik. We feel it is our ... Moodle is a reliable and proven digital platform for teaching and studying that is already being used by many lecturers and students in the context of their regular teaching. ARQUS - European University Alliance. Lernplattform der Universität Leipzig. Anleitungen zu Mahara finden Sie hier. Archiv. 6th Session: Game theory; oligopoly (Friday, 23.10.2020, 9:00-11:00 Uhr, HS 7 (Hörsaalgebäude der Universität Leipzig)) Topics and slides (voiced slides available on moodle) In brackets you find a more printer friendly version with a plain layout Part A: Basic decision and preference theory. TU Chemnitz. We have a tradition of diversity; one that began more than six centuries ago. Fakultät für Physik und Geowissenschaften. Intl. Decisions in strategic form (print version) Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften und Philosophie. ... Medizindidaktisches Zentrum. INFO FÜR LEHRENDE: Schreiben Sie einfach eine kurze Info-Mail an, Zur Beratung für Studienzweifel und Abbruchgedanken, Werte Lehrende, während der Prüfungszeit unterstützt Sie der E-Learning-Service. This course is geared for participants studying or working in any of the scientific areas and suitable for students with a strong interest in developing the language and communicative skills in their respective fields. This class deals with the distinctive features of the American English pronunciation as well as with English grammar. ... Leipzig University hotline Service for staff and students of the University only. The focus is on … use of the online learning platform (Moodle from Leipzig University) for numerous exercises and tasks that you can work on flexibly; feedback from our teachers; a guided research project on topics chosen by yourselves with a weekly online-learning service conducted by an instructor; virtual activities for getting to know German daily life and Leipzig as a University city . Course Developer: Cornelia Bornmann This versatile learning platform addresses the specific linguistic and communicative needs of university students. use of the online learning platform (Moodle from Leipzig University) for numerous exercises and tasks that you can work on flexibly; Supervised project work on topics chosen by the participants, at every language level; Activities for getting to know German daily life and Leipzig as a University city, e. g. visit museums and historical sights The Department of Art education is connected to the learning platform Moodle of the University of Leipzig. Kurse; Philologische Fakultät; Institut für Linguistik; Wintersemester 2017/2018;

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