most popular programming languages 2020 stack overflow

We asked survey takers if their organizations have dedicated DevOps personnel. Australia respondents reported the highest average amount of coding experience at 16.9 years, followed by developers in United Kingdom and United States. The rest were almost evenly split between MacOS and a flavor of Linux. download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio, most_used_programming_language_overall.ipynb, salary_and_satisfaction_based_on_language.ipynb. Where developers come to learn, share knowledge, and build their careers. If you get an error when running jupyter, try changing the port or removing the --ip option. Go is compilable on nearly any machine, so you can use it to create a full webapp or a tool to clean up incoming data for processing. ), Computer science, computer engineering, or software engineering, Another engineering discipline (such as civil, electrical, mechanical, etc. What Would Developers Change About Stack Overflow? Almost 85% of the respondents that are professional developers feel that formal education is at least somewhat important, which is contrary to the popular idiom that you don't need formal education to become a developer. Nowadays, it seems impossible to develop a program without the javascript language. … The programming language ranking site TIOBE has ranked PHP as the 8th most popular programming language in January 2020. The Meta board is not a popular one, either. For the seventh year in a row, JavaScript is the most commonly used programming language, but Python has risen in the ranks again. We still see evidence that people of color are underrepresented among professional developers, but we do see some improvement when we include all developers, not just those who code professionally. DevOps tools Chef and Puppet are among the most dreaded technologies. The Developer Survey for 2020 by Stack Overflow is out now and it reveals that globally, respondents who use Perl, Scala, and Go tend to have the highest salaries. The arguments between programmers who prefer dynamic versus static type systems are likely to endure for decades more, but it’s hard to argue about the benefits of static types. Here's a preview of the most frequently used programming languages in 2020. Of the professional developers on Stack Overflow, approximately 40% learned to code less than 10 years ago. This year’s survey was taken by nearly 65,000 people. So this result is pretty unsurprising. The TIOBE includes a language on the list if it matches three key requirements: it is … However, we see some improvement when we look at all respondents—not just the ones who code professionally. Almost half of the respondents reported that their company has a good onboarding process. However, we see some differences when we look at specific developer roles. However, if we control for gender, we see some differences in the rankings. We also see growth across the board in the popularity of data analysis and machine learning technologies such as Pandas, TensorFlow, and Torch/PyTorch. extracted 1,000 of the most upvoted Stack Overflow questions for each of the 11 programming languages listed above. We asked respondents in a free text question one thing they would change about Stack Overflow if they had the chance. Among the respondents, almost 15% said they have some type of anxiety, mood, or emotional disorder. This provides important context for interpreting our survey results, because most Stack Overflow traffic comes from anonymous, unregistered visitors. Going further down the list, we also see moderate gains for TypeScript, edging out C in terms of popularity. Stack Overflow for making their developer survey results public. No description, website, or topics provided. According to some social media platforms, javascript is very helpful in creating interactive web pages. Developer types above the line have respondents that are more likely than average to be men, and those below the dotted line have respondents who are more likely than average to be women. TIOBE Programming Community Index is a measure of popularity of programming languages, created and maintained by the TIOBE Company based in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. For most languages, the relationship between salary and years of coding experience is linear. Tools and technologies: the most commonly used programming language is JavaScript Nearly 70% of professional developers who responded to the 2020 Stack Overflow survey coded in JavaScript. This year, we focused on seeking diverse representation while asking for information ranging from technologies and behavior to questions that will help us improve the Stack Overflow community for everybody who codes. ), A humanities discipline (such as literature, history, philosophy, etc. Now, the Developer Survey 2019 reveals that Python has “edged out Java” and is the second most loved language. ASP.NET Core is the most loved web framework, beating out React.js. That’s a question Stack Overflow asks every year in its wide-ranging developer survey. In our efforts to reach beyond the Stack Overflow network and seek representation from a greater diversity of coders, we advertised the survey less on our own channels than in previous years and sought ways to earn responses from those who may not frequent our sites. Also, the answers to most questions were randomized in order. Most Popular Programming Languages 2020 2. Going into this project I was interested in finding out how are programming languages ranked and can I choose my own criteria when ranking them? There was an uptick in some race and ethnicity groups, notably those of Hispanic or Latino/a/x and Black or of African descent, while other races and ethnicities remained similar or decreased. This is the number of responses we consider “qualified” for analytical purposes based on time spent on the full, completed survey; another approximately 400 responses were submitted but not included in the analysis because respondents spent less than three minutes on the survey. Coding question-and-answer site Stack Overflow has released the results of its 2020 survey of nearly 65,000 developers, revealing their favorite and most dreaded programming languages… 80% of respondents believe that DevOps is at least somewhat important, and 44% work at organizations with at least one dedicated DevOps employee. You only need to look at the rise of languages like TypeScript or features like Python’s type hints as people have become frustrated with the current state of dynamic typing in today’s larger codebases. Among the individual contributor roles, the most experienced developers tend to be system administrators, database administrators, and developers who create desktop and embedded applications. However, we see some slight growth in the popularity of Firebase, which edged out Elasticsearch this year. Around 75% of respondents noted that they learn a new technology at least every few months or once a year. For example, among the women respondents, 48% selected company culture to be one of the most important factors and 18% indicated that diversity was also of top importance. When looking at differences in physical ability, around 2% of respondents are differently-abled, such as being blind / having difficulty seeing or being deaf / having difficulty hearing. In years past, our analysis of professional developers was based on site activity on Stack Overflow. The top sources of respondents were onsite messaging, blog posts, email lists, banner ads, and social media posts. Each month, about 50 million people visit Stack Overflow to learn, share, and build their careers. In February 2020 nearly 65,000 developers told us how they learn and level up, which tools they’re using, and what they want. IBM DB2 ranked as the most dreaded database and MongoDB remains the database technology that developers want to learn the most. Just me - I am a freelancer, sole proprietor, etc. Interestingly enough, the least important factors were the financial performance of the organization (11.4%), the specific team they would be working on (11.2%), and the diversity of the organization (6.6%). This approach included social promotion and outreach to underrepresented coders. I used Stack Overflow's developer survey to draw my own conclusions on the following questions: The project is divided into 3 parts trying to answer the questions above in order. Interestingly enough, almost 10% of the respondents have a business related degree or a degree in a humanities, social science, or fine arts field of study. Many questions were only shown to respondents based on their previous answers. This is consistent with our findings about developer job satisfaction—most developers are happy with their jobs. Look for this icon, which highlights differences between developer demographics. Pairs that are highly correlated include database administrator and system administrator, DevOps specialist and site reliability engineer, academic researcher and scientist, and designer and front-end developer. Stack Overflow Jobs puts developers first. About 55% of respondents identify as full-stack developers, and about 20% consider themselves mobile developers. Respondents were recruited primarily through channels owned by Stack Overflow. We look forward to seeing what you find—if you share on social media, be sure to tag us! The survey was fielded from February 5 to February 28. Almost all of responents have visited Stack Overflow and about two-thirds have visited Stack Exchange. This is consistent with what we saw in the salary trends as a whole. The top approximately 2% of salaries inside and outside of the US were trimmed and replaced with threshold values. Check out the full results in this Medium post. At the moment, the TIOBE index monitors 265 popular programming languages. For the first time, we asked developers what drove them to look for a new job. Roughly 12% of all respondents say they are students. Which is the most frequently used programming language? Web Frameworks ยอดนิยม . Participants’ responses regarding their sexual orientation are consistent with previous years. ), A business discipline (such as accounting, finance, marketing, etc. When researching new tools, over three-fourths of respondents like to try the tool for themselves via a free trial. Interestingly, Perl is amongst the top most dreaded languages, so it's possible that this high salary is to compensate for the dearth of developers who want to use that technology. When looking at database technologies, the results are mostly consistent with what we observed last year. Similar to last year, we see a large cluster of web development technologies connected via SQL to one for Microsoft technologies, as well as a cluster of operations technologies connected to the Python ecosystem network through Linux. Rust was voted for the fifth year straight the most-loved programming language by developers in Stack Overflow's 2020 survey. Rust held the top spot for most loved technology for the fifth year in a row. We also need to point out that this year’s survey was taken in February, before COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization and before the virus impacted every country in the world. IBM DB2 ranked as the most dreaded database and MongoDB remains the database technology that developers want to learn the most. Developers who are data scientists or academic researchers are about 10 times more likely to be men than women, while developers who are system admins or DevOps specialists are 25-30 times more likely to be men than women. Reminder: this year’s survey was taken in February, before COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization and before the virus impacted every country in the world. As an incentive, respondents who finished the survey could opt in to a “Census” badge if they completed the survey. About one fifth had no onboarding process at all. Developer, desktop or enterprise applications, Developer, embedded applications or devices, Data scientist or machine learning specialist, Bachelor’s degree (B.A., B.S., B.Eng., etc. JavaScript has been the most-used technology since Stack Overflow started doing the annual survey. For the second year in a row, Node.js takes the top spot, as it is used by half of the respondents. StackOverflow listed the most commonly used programming languages based on pure data:JavaScript, HTML/CSS, SQL, Python, JAVA, C#, PHP etc. More than 40% of respondents reported that they are members of other online developer communities beyond Stack Overflow. The median time spent on the survey for qualified responses was 16.6 minutes, down from 23.3 minutes last year. For five years running, Rust has taken the top spot as the most loved programming language. We asked respondents about their salary. For 2020’s edition, Rust topped the list yet again. When we break down the age of the survey respondents by country, we see that developers in North America and Western Europe tend to skew older and have more coding experience compared to other regions. We can demonstrate the effect of our survey sample on our results, both in direction and magnitude. Of the professional developers who responded to the survey, almost 82% use GitHub as a collaborative tool and more than half use Slack. Linux and Windows maintain the top spots for most popular platforms, with over half of the respondents reporting that they have done development work with them this year. Though this data is not present in results, it is available for analysis in the raw data. Can we use simple linear regression to determine a developer's salary based only on the languages they use. We see varying representation from men and women in different developer roles on our survey. For example, questions about jobs and work were only shown to those who said they were working in a job. This underscores the importance of creating accessible software and creating companies that accomodate differently-abled people. This year, 86% of … 8 Top Programming Languages in 2020 According to TIOBE & Stack Overflow [An Overview] | Hacker Noon. Women have the highest representation as front-end developers, designers, data scientists, data analysts, QA or test developers, scientists, and educators. We also see big gains in Go, moving up to 5th from 10th last year. This demonstrates how quickly innovations happen and developers are constantly learning to keep their skills fresh. Work fast with our official CLI. Stack Overflow, a popular Q&A site for developers, surveyed 65,000 users about what programming languages they use and their salaries. อันดับที่ 1 ก็ยังเป็น jQuery. When comparing United States weighted data to unweighted results, we see more representation from those who have never participated on Stack Overflow. Approximately 1% of this year’s respondents that write code professionally are transgender. Which programming languages do developers love the most? American high school, German Realschule or Gymnasium, etc. When we use weighting, we see small increases in the representation of developer roles that have the most representation from women, like Data Scientists and Academic Researchers, and decreases in others with low representation from women, like DevOps. Many developers work on code outside of work. As of early 2020, JavaScript and HTML/CSS were the most commonly used programming languages among software developers around the world, with nearly 68 … Overall, the languages and technologies that the developer would be working with was most important, followed by the office environment or company culture and flexibility of schedule. Most popular programming language on GitHub. Technologies cluster together into related ecosystems that tend to be used by the same developers. did a bit of data cleaning in Python (pandas, naturally) fed these 11,000 questions total (over 96,000 individual words) into a JavaScript word cloud algorithm to give us a birds-eye-view of the general pain points that arise in different languages. We know that there is a difference in developer type representation by gender, so let's compare the overall proportions in our raw results for the United States with weighted proportions, assuming that we undersampled gender minorities at the rate indicated by the BLS report. ), Other doctoral degree (Ph.D., Ed.D., etc. Hi, There today we will discuss some of the most important and very popular programming languages you can learn and become a programmer. About 78% of our respondents say that they code as a hobby. Most respondents turn to reviews on third party sites, such as Glassdoor and Blind. The threshold values for inside and outside the US were different. Industry estimates suggest that 20-25 million of these people are professional developers and university-level students. As of this publication, it is the 12th most upvoted question on Stack Overflow Meta, and No. About half of respondents chose 'Hello, old friend', which suggests it may be a frequent occurrence for certain tasks. 15k respondents provided at least one additional community they participate in. TypeScript is second surpassing Python compared to last year. There are a variety of academic paths to becoming a professional software developer. Compared to last year, how welcome do you feel on Stack Overflow? This is consistent with findings from past surveys, where we saw that academic researchers and designers were among the roles that had the lowest job satisfaction. ADHD), I have autism / an autism spectrum disorder (e.g. 25% work overtime 1-2 days per week or more. Javascript is a very popular language, according to Stack Overflow. When we break down differences in years since learning to code by gender, we notice some retention problems. VBA, Objective C, and Perl hold the top spots for the most dreaded languages—languages that had a high percentage of developers who are currently using them, but have no interest in continuing to do so. We asked the survey respondents if we control for compensation, benefits, and location, what three characteristics would most influence their decision to choose one job offer over another. The median number of developer type identifications per respondent this year is three, and the most common combinations include back-end, front-end, and full-stack developer. With the new year well underway, it’s time to drop our first quarter bi-annual Programming Language rankings. about the company, Directly asking current or past employees at the company, Publicly available financial information (e.g. Almost half of the respondents use Windows as their primary operating system. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. Promote your product or service to developers and technologists on Stack Overflow. This is an encouraging sign that we're succeeding in our mission to help people get access to the knowledge they need to get things done. For example, we find that respondents who identify as men see themselves as part of the community at much higher rates than those with other gender identities. Interestingly, relatively fewer respondents seek publicly available financial information, such as data from Crunchbase, which is consistent with respondents noting that company financial performance and fundraising is not a very important factor when deciding to take a job. Leave a Comment / Android Applications, Programming / By Raees. June 3rd 2020. While we saw a lift in underrepresented groups, the difference in representation isn’t as large as we had hoped. People who wrote their first line of code in their 20s accounted for 13% of the respondents. Wanting to work with new technologies was the second most popular factor, which is consistent with what respondents reported as one of the most important priorities when choosing between two jobs. They are also among the platforms that developers most want to learn, which demonstrates how beloved they are. Also be sure to check out the topics that were new to this year’s survey, like questions regarding DevOps and working overtime. ), Information systems, information technology, or system administration, A natural science (such as biology, chemistry, physics, etc. Globally, over 75% of developers work less than 45 hours per week. For the first time this year, we asked respondents how often they work overtime or beyond the formal time expectation of their job. Almost 90% reported that they visit Stack Overflow. We synthesized all this together to curate a collection of technologies to include. Most respondents were not sure and almost 37% believe that restrictions should not be relaxed. is the place people go to ask for features, and they went there a lot. depression, bipolar disorder), I have a concentration and/or memory disorder (e.g. Stack Overflow refers to Python as the “fastest-growing major programming language”. As per the Stack Overflow’s annual survey of 2019, ... With the aforementioned factors and knowledge of the top 10 most popular programming languages for 2020, we hope that you will find it easier to make the right decision and build a successful approach to enter the mobile market. First, we asked what currency each respondent typically used. Unsurprisingly, for the eighth year in a row, JavaScript has maintained it's stronghold as the most commonly used programming language. Stack Overflow also noted “moderate gains for TypeScript, edging out C in terms of popularity. Approximately 75% of respondents worldwide completed at least the equivalent of a bachelor's degree or higher. The Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2020 results are in, so let’s see what the online community has found out this year. When asked why they responded the way they did, respondents who felt less welcome mentioned the relationship between the community and the company and question quality. Anecdotally, Stack Overflow has been using both Redis and Elasticsearch in our tech stack for years, since the early days of the company. This year it also ranks as the number one most wanted language. We know there are more ways in which our survey sample doesn't match the underlying population of developers than only gender (including frequency of use of Stack Overflow), and the United States is not the only country for which we expect such a mismatch. The aspects of Stack Overflow that respondents would like to change exhibit differences across demographic groups. Some developers come to Stack Overflow only to find answers to their questions, while others participate in the community by asking, answering, voting for, or commenting on questions. As always, these are a continuation of the work originally performed by Drew Conway and John Myles White late in 2010.While the specific means of collection has changed, the basic process remains the same: we extract language rankings from GitHub and Stack Overflow, and … Over 92% of professional developers are employed at least part-time. To identify which technologies to include on the survey this year, we looked at both the most popular and fastest growing tags on Stack Overflow (in terms of questions posted). Stack Overflow for Teams is a space to ask questions and find answers. Respondents who felt more welcome mentioned feeling more comfortable and confident, the site being nicer or friendlier, and features of the site like emails and the newsletter. Does language popularity affect work satisfaction? All categories have dramatically more developers who identify as men than women, but the ratio of men to women varies. If we break out the data by job function, over 20% of academic researchers, data scientists, and data/business analysts are actively looking for a new job, followed closely by designers, game developers, and mobile developers at 19%. Analysis of the Stack Overflow developer survey for 2020. Additionally, Ruby, once in the top 10 of this list as recently as 2017, has declined.” Stack Overflow 2020 Developer Survey: Most Popular Programming Languages Most Loved, Dreaded and Wanted Languages This report is based on a survey of 65,000 software developers from 186 countries around the world. We converted salaries from user currencies to USD using the exchange rate on 2020-02-19, and also converted to annual salaries assuming 12 working months and 50 working weeks. However, a large amount also learn from viewing company sponsored media, such as blogs and company culture videos. Consistent with last year's survey, women developers account for almost 12% of developers in the US. most popular programming languages 2020 stack overflow. 0.3% of respondents had never visited Stack Overflow before taking the survey. As you know there are more than 700 programming languages available. Similar to last year, we asked about many of the other miscellaneous technologies that developers are using. Please keep the timing of the survey in mind when reviewing information such as job and salary data. Javascript is an interpreted and light-weighted programming language. However, we see some outliers with users of Python and R commanding higher salaries. Learn more. Go is the fastest-growing language on Github, meant to replace languages like Java and C++. Senior executives, engineering managers and product managers tend to work longer hours. Answers this year were slightly more polarized than those from 2019. On some occasions, survey weighting has been used to take care of the unavoidable demographic skew. No recruiter spam or fake job listings. 1 most upvoted on Feature Request(out of 41,785 questions), with 824 views and 30,000 upvotes. Although it is amongst the most popular web frameworks, Angular.js is also considered to be the most dreaded. ), Indigenous (such as Native American, Pacific Islander, or Indigenous Australian), I have a mood or emotional disorder (e.g. Across the board, engineering managers, SREs, DevOps specialists, and data engineers tend to receive the highest salaries. When focusing on the US, we see some differences at the bottom of the salary spectrum. Here are a few of the top takeaways from this year’s results. Stack Overflow recently crowned Python has the most questioned language on their site, overtaking JavaScript. How Many Participants Have a Stack Overflow Account? As per … Better compensation was by far the most common factor for respondents with 70% of them noting that more pay was important. Despite a gradual change year over year, there is still much work to do to increase participation rates. The vast majority of our survey respondents this year said they are professional developers or who code sometimes as part of their work or students preparing for such a career. Then we asked that respondent what their salary was in that currency and whether that salary was weekly, monthly, or yearly. How do people determine JavaScript is the most popular language and why do they recommend it so much? Which is the most frequently used programming language and which programming language pays best in 2020? Taking a look at database technologies, Redis remains the most loved, followed by PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch. ), Master’s degree (M.A., M.S., M.Eng., MBA, etc. We asked developers how frequently they learn a new language or framework. Salaries also differ in terms of years of experience when looking at the programming language a developer uses as well.

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