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But I was desirous that those most illustrious men, the lights of the republic, should live: so many men of consular rank, so many men of prætorian rank, so many most honourable senators; and besides them all the flower of our nobility and of our youth; and the armies of excellent citizens. However, let us say no more of that war, in which you were too fortunate. 107Why should I mention the threats and insults with which he inveighed against the people of Teanum Sidicinum, with which he harassed the men of Puteoli, because they had adopted Caius Cassius and the Bruti as their patrons? Book Description: Cicero composed his incendiary Philippics only a few months after Rome was rocked by the brutal assassination of Julius Caesar. He was the firebrand to handle all conflagrations; and even in his house he attempted something. Neque enim, Quirites, fieri potest, ut non aut ii sint impii, qui contra consulem exercitus comparaverunt, aut ille hostis, contra quem iure arma sumpta sunt. [2] Num vero multo sum erectior, quod vos quoque illum hostem esse tanto consensu tantoque clamore adprobavistis. 19But now what an act, I will not say of audacity, (for he is anxious to be audacious,) but (and that is what he is not desirous of) what an act of folly, in which he surpasses all men, is it to make mention of the Capitoline Hill, at a time when armed men are actually between our benches—when men, armed with swords, are now stationed in this same temple of Concord, O ye immortal gods, in which, while I was consul, opinions most salutary to the state were delivered, owing to which it is that we are all alive at this day. You might see in the cellars of the slaves, couches covered with the most richly embroidered counterpanes of Cnæus Pompeius. 91All that fine panegyric was yours, that commiseration was yours, that exhortation was yours. ” at another, “that it appears not to be unjust. 105What noble discussions used to take place in that villa! For Marcus Caelius by Marcus Tullius Cicero, translated by Charles Duke Yonge 56 BC. Nor was I so inexperienced in and ignorant of this nature of things, as to be disheartened on account of a fondness for life, which while it endured would wear me out with anguish, and when brought to an end would release me from all trouble. But just see now what a difference there is between you and your grandfather. 4You have said, that you retired in my favour from the contest for the augurship. Charybdis, do I say? They have all hitherto suffered severer punishments than I could have wished for them; but I marvel that you, O Antonius, do not fear the end of those men whose conduct you are imitating. The ocean, I swear most solemnly, appears scarcely capable of having swallowed up such numbers of things so widely scattered, and distributed in such different places, with such rapidity. It was, indeed, a great thing that we, differing as we did respecting the general interests of the republic, should continue in uninterrupted friendship. 108After that what a return was that of yours to Rome! Why need I mention his decrees, his robberies, the possessions of inheritances which were given him, and those too which were seized by him? Ought I not to complain of the ruin of the republic, lest I should appear ungrateful towards you? But if praise cannot allure you to act rightly, still cannot even fear turn you away from the most shameful actions? Charybdis, if she existed at all, was only one animal. You put away his daughter, your own cousin, having already looked out and provided yourself beforehand with another. If it means nothing when an augur gives this notice in those words in which you gave notice, then confess that you, when you said,—“We adjourn this to another day,” were not sober. and do you think that those men were instigated by my authority rather than by their affection for the republic? Dolabella was present at all these battles. 92To other men the republic now seemed established, but it did not appear so at all to me, as I was afraid of every sort of shipwreck, as long as you were at the helm. XXVII. He has taken his keys from her, and turned her out of doors. a man whom I should not have ventured even to advise. Set before you the joy of the senate and people of Rome; compare it with this infamous market held by you and by your friends; and then you will understand how great is the difference between praise and profit. It was I who supplied him with a pretext for civil war; it was I who proposed mischievous laws; it was I who took up arms against the consuls and generals of the Roman people, against the senate and people of Rome, against the gods of the country, against its altars and hearths, against the country itself. Why should I now complain of what has been done in the district of Leontini? 109But he, as having no need of a senate, did not miss any of us, and rather rejoiced at our departure, and immediately proceeded to those marvellous exploits of his. 25XI. For you might have got some wit from your wife, who was an actress. Hallo liebe Lateiner Ich habe mich gerade daran gemacht Philippicae 2,65 und 2,66 zu übersetzen. And yet I will not say all I could, in order that if I have often to battle with him I may always come to the contest with fresh arms; and the multitude of his vices and atrocities will easily enable me to do so. Nor will I make any further reply to you about the verses. Are you ignorant that yesterday was the fourth day of the Roman games in the Circus? When you behold those beaks of ships in the vestibule, and those warlike trophies, do you fancy that you are entering into a house which belongs to you? And if any one has been observing the heavens, he is bound to give notice of it, not after the comitia are assembled, but before they are held. Do you, then, shut me up with the other leaders in the partnership in this design, as in the Trojan horse? The tribune of the people was borne along in a chariot, lictors crowned with laurel preceded him; among whom, on an open litter, was carried an actress; whom honourable men, citizens of the different municipalities, coming out from their towns under compulsion to meet him, saluted not by the name by which she was well known on the stage, but by that of Volumnia. or, was it possible for that man long to continue unlike himself? After that, I was treated with respect by you, and you received attentions from me in your canvass for the quæstorship. 116But if you are not afraid of brave men and illustrious citizens, because they are prevented from attacking you by your armed retinue, still, believe me, your own fellows will not long endure you. For I have received more than twenty millions of sesterces in inheritances. and two thousand to your master of oratory; what would you have done if he had been able to make you eloquent? I heard, indeed, that you had come down prepared, because you thought that I intended to speak about your having made a false statement respecting the auspices, though it was still necessary for us to respect them. Believe me, the time will come when men will race with one another to do this deed, and when no one will wait for the tardy arrival of an opportunity. Nor is there any necessity for naming any particular person; you yourselves recollect instances in proof of my statement. You then alone, O wicked man, were found, both to advise the assumption of kingly power, and to wish to have him for your master who was your colleague; and also to try what the Roman people might be able to bear and to endure. what place was there in the whole world where you could set your foot on anything that belonged to you, except Mienum, which you farmed with your partners, as if it had been Sisapo? Was it because a tribune of the people announced that there had been an illomened flash of lightning seen? 30However, remark the stupidity of this fellow,—I should rather say, of this brute beast. Cæsar came back from Alexandria, fortunate, as he seemed at least to himself; but in my opinion no one can be fortunate who is unfortunate for the republic. why were provinces given to Brutus and Cassius? He was a man—we, indeed, deserve to be despised, who hate the author of the actions, but uphold the actions themselves. For the king himself, of his own accord, without waiting for any of Cæsar’s memoranda, the moment that he heard of his death, recovered his own rights by his own courage and energy. Oh, but I advised it. Did you dare to cross that most sacred threshold? O action disgraceful not merely to see, but even to hear of! For we augurs have only the power of announcing that the auspices are being observed, but the consuls and other magistrates have the right also of observing them whenever they choose. there is no more suitable expression for me to use,) was it for this that you disturbed the city by nocturnal alarms, and Italy with fears of many days’ duration, in order that you might show yourself unexpectedly, and that a woman might see you before she hoped to do so? We are convened in the senate. Would that this accusation of yours were a true one; I should have more of my friends and connexions alive. You did indeed consult me by letter about the colony of Capua, (but I should have given you the same answer about Casilinum,) whether you could legally lead a new colony to a place where there was a colony already. “Who are you?” says the porter. nor would you allow any one to plead with you in behalf of the authority of the senate; and yet, what did any one entreat of you, except that you would not desire the republic to be entirely overthrown and destroyed; when neither the chief men of the state by their entreaties, nor the elders by their warnings, nor the senate in a full house by pleading with you, could move you from the determination which you had already sold and as it were delivered to the purchaser? They have done what no one else had done. 90What a day was that for you, O Marcus Antonius! by my handwriting? By whom are they produced and vouched for? XXII. what was the first of June that you waited for? Behold, the day of the comitia for the election of Dolabella arrives. It was approved of by the senate, in a very full house, so completely, that there was no one who did not thank me as if I had been his parent, who did not attribute to me the salvation of his life, of his fortunes, of his children, and of the republic. But I (see how far I am from any horrible inclination towards,) praise you for having once in your life had a righteous intention; I return you thanks for not having revealed the matter; and I excuse you for not having accomplished your purpose. At which time, indeed, if, as I have said before, my counsels and my authority had prevailed, you would this day be in indigence, we should be free, and the republic would not have lost so many generals and so many armies. For what is more insane than, after you yourself have taken up arms to do mischief to the republic, to reproach another with having taken them up to secure its safety? 61XXV. Of handwriting indeed you have a lucrative knowledge. How many serious opinions, which, for all that, ought not to be published! What defence can be made for such beastly behaviour? That there should be so vast a catalogue, that there should be such a numerous and various list of possessions, of all of which, with the exception of a portion of Misenum, there was nothing which the man who was putting them up to sale could call his own. Oh how splendid was that eloquence of yours, when you harangued the people stark naked! Either, O Antonius, that cause ought never to have been undertaken, or when you had undertaken it, it should have been maintained to the end. What a well-tried citizen! But how could it occur to you to recal to our recollection that you had been educated in the house of Publius Lentulus? I suppose you were afraid that you would be able to refuse him nothing if he were restored to the full possession of his rights. When on the first of June we wished to come to the senate, as it had been ordained, we were suddenly frightened and forced to flee. to be a slave? That was not enough. It was too long to wait for Cæsar himself to come! If they are parricides, why are they always named by you, both in this assembly and before the Roman people, with a view to do them honour? It would have been the part of a fool to hope to do so, and of an impudent man to advise it. XXXVI. 14With what eloquence, with what firm wisdom, with what a weight of authority did Lucius Cæsar, your uncle, pronounce his opinion against the husband of his own sister, your stepfather. Oh the incredible audacity! Remove for a while those swords which we see around us. The spear was set up in front of the temple of Jupiter Stator, and the property of Cnæus Pompeius Magnus—(miserable that I am, for even now that my tears have ceased to flow, my grief remains deeply implanted in my heart,)—the property, I say, of Cnæus Pompeius the Great was submitted to the pitiless voice of the auctioneer. What were the circumstances of his return from thence? 75XXX. These are the first men who have ever ventured to attack, sword in hand, a man who was not aiming at regal power, but actually reigning. Let this stupidity exist in your language: how much greater is it in your actions and opinions! 117XLVI. Now mark, also, his incredible folly. And, indeed, you employ a master to teach you jokes, a man appointed by your own vote and that of your boon companions; a rhetorician, whom you have allowed to say whatever he pleased against you, a thoroughly facetious gentleman; but there are plenty of materials for speaking against you and against your friends. 31XIII. But was it possible for you to stand for the augurship at a time when Curio was not in Italy? A little apparel of Pompeius’s, and that stained; a few silver vessels belonging to the same man, all battered; some slaves in wretched condition; so that we grieved that there was anything remaining to be seen of these miserable relics. But afterwards, when Pompeius joined Cæsar with all his heart, what could have been my object in attempting to separate them then? How were they verified by you? Caius Cassius, a man of that family which could not endure, I will not say the domination, but even the power of any individual,—he, I suppose, was in need of me to instigate him? Cicero translated by C. D. Yonge ... 67 What Charybdis was ever so voracious? Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis. And if it had prevailed, the republic would still be standing, and you would have perished through your own crimes, and indigence, and infamy. 113The Roman people will take them from you, will wrest them from your hands; I wish that they may do so while we are still safe. While all men were waiting to see who would be so impious, who would be so mad, who would be so declared an enemy to gods and to men as to dare to mix himself up with that wicked auction, no one was found except Antonius, even though there were plenty of men collected round that spear who would have dared anything else. Must one apply a torch to you to waken you while you are sleeping over such an important affair? If they are true, why are they sold? Id. Dezember - Widerspruch: haben Legionen gelobt, sich Antonius zu widersetzen und wollen nun Gesandte zu ihm schicken 20And yet you are a little to be blamed for your failure in that instance, too. In the battle in Spain he even received a wound. Why are we permitting the honour which by your law was appointed for Cæsar to be deserted? Surely you would be reconciled to me if you knew how ashamed I am of your worthlessness, which you yourself are not ashamed of. Beispiel: Erster Satz! But recollect, I pray you, how that clever man convicted me of being an accomplice in the business. 2I see nothing either in my life, or in my influence in the city, or in my exploits, or even in the moderate abilities with which I am endowed, which Antonius can despise. However, let us return to the auspices. 34XIV. By this time I envy your teacher, who for all that payment, which I shall mention presently, has taught you to know nothing.

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